Stay Relevant in Your Role Using Customer Research

Part of Inquisitive’s Insightful Leadership Series

Great leaders understand the power of storytelling. Telling stories can illustrate a point, make a concept memorable or motivate a team. But too often, leaders who have risen in their career undermine their efforts by telling the same customer stories over and over.

Retelling a story once or twice can actually be beneficial, but when your audience has heard the same story repeatedly, several unintended impressions are created:

  • This is a leader who has limited interaction with customers

  • This is a leader who believes this outdated data is true

  • This is a leader who hasn’t fully considered how things have changed

  • This is a leader who is removed from what is really going happening in our business

Regular customer research not only equips the business with useful data, it is also a way to collect new stories.  With new and varied stories to tell, senior leaders are able to more effectively engage their audiences, overcome any of the negative perceptions that might have been created through telling the same old stories and demonstrate they have a relevant perspective.

Don’t allow telling the same old stories make you seem old and stale! Position yourself as active and up on the current trends through fresh customer research. Let’s talk.


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