Customer Insights Could Help You Land that Next Job
Part of Inquisitive’s Insightful Leadership Series
The job market continues to offer opportunities for those looking to advance their careers. We all know the traditional methods for finding the next gig, but here’s an unconventional approach: Use customer research to elevate your own career.
It’s one thing to have an idea. It’s quite another to have a point of view that is informed by data and research. Collecting feedback from your customers is a strategic way to validate a hunch you might have or explore a new space. Using the findings from the research, you may be able to postulate insights that will get you noticed. Perfect if you’re an internal candidate for a job within your organization.
Depending on the topic and the audience, you may be able to conduct a study yourself or you can engage a research partner to assist you. Either way, your research approach should be carefully considered and well-documented, adding validity to your project. A study managed by a third-party can add credibility and remove bias, two things you might mention to an executive sponsor if you are looking to hire a professional to do the research.
Once you have results, share them widely! Even if the data didn’t confirm your own hypothesis, chances are there might be a nugget in there that helps someone else. If you have the opportunity to present, take it. You’ll be able to showcase your initiative, process, leadership, logical and creative thinking and presentation skills all at once.
This process works for seeking a role at a new company as well. You know how you need a thing to talk about at interviews? This can be your thing!
Ready to talk about how you might use customer research to elevate your career? Let’s talk.
Check out Part 3 of our Insightful Leadership Series.