Quali-Quant: The Best of Both Worlds (and Very Fun to Say!)

I’m a word nerd who loves a hybrid solution. So imagine my joy every time I get to suggest a “quali-quant” approach!

Technically, the research community prefers to call it Mixed Methodology Research or Mixed Mode Research or even just MMR. Any of these names refer to the hybrid approach of using both quantitative research (e.g. surveys and field observation) and qualitative research (e.g. in-depth interviews and focus groups) to achieve the research goal. 

A quali-quant approach takes the best of each methodology and integrates them, producing results that are truly greater than the sum of its parts.  

One question we often get asked is “Which should go first, the qualitative work or the quantitative work?”  The answer is that it depends on the project because each order has its own benefits. 

  • When there is relatively little known about the area in question, doing qualitative research first is useful to understand the landscape and set the stage of what will be explored with a larger population. 

  • When there are some working assumptions based on previous research or experience, doing quantitative research first can be useful to understand the prevalence of key trends or the scale of opportunities. Qualitative methods can then be used to delve deeper into understanding “why” behind these sentiments or behaviors.

By producing findings that can be both broad and deep, directional and statistically significant, quali-quant research generates more holistic,  and ultimately more reliable, actionable and profitable insights.  An expert partner can help you determine the right approach for your next research project. Let’s talk.


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