Our Top 5 of 2024

We love a year in review as much as anybody, so to celebrate the new year, we’re recapping our top blog posts from 2024. From exploring whether gender is still a relevant datapoint, to dissecting the most common—and costly—brand evaluation mistakes, we aim to provide insightful thought-starters that help you make better decisions. Check out the posts that got the most engagement in 2024: 

5. Three Brand Evaluation Mistakes You Should Fix Immediately

The most common mistakes we see from clients who try to take the brand evaluation process into their own hands. 

4. Why Talking to People Who Don’t Buy Your Brand Could Be the Best Move You’re Not Making
Need a reason to get to know the people who walk past your store, scroll past your ads, and choose your competitors over you? We’ve got five. 

3. Strategic Serenade: What Taylor Swift Can Teach Us About Branding
A look at what our favorite pop mastermind can teach us about branding.

2. Who Has the Most to Gain from Insights: Innovation, Brand or Marketing Teams?
This is for anyone trying to figure who the idea “owner” of consumer insights should be within your organization. 

1. Is Gender Still Relevant in Brand Research?

It’s no wonder this was our most-read blog post as gender remains a complex and nuanced topic. We look forward to seeing research perspectives evolve along with our collective understanding it in the coming year. 

Thanks for a successful 2024. We look forward to bringing you more insightful blog content this year!


Food R&D: Are Consumer Insights the Missing Ingredient?


New Year, New Insights: 5 Steps to Building an Effective Consumer Research Strategy